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The Health Room is monitored by a Health Assistant and School Nurse. Neither the Health Room Assistant nor the School Nurse are allowed to dispense any medication without a medication authorization form filled out by the Doctor. In the case that your child needs to receive medication at school, that medication must be kept in a locked cabinet in the Health Office. For their safety, children should NOT be given any medication to administer themselves.

If your child is injured or feels ill at school, he or she should report the injury to the classroom teacher, duty staff, or Health Room staff. If the illness or injury warrants parent/guardian attention, you will be contacted. If the injury or illness is of a serious nature, we will notify you and ask that you come to the school and transport your child to the doctor. If we believe your child's health is in jeopardy, we will contact Emergency Medical Services for immediate assistance.

If a student has a medical condition or special needs our team should be aware of, please contact our Health Office. Also, please make every attempt to call the Health Office in the event that your child is ill. Knowing what ails one student can help us advise the teacher in your child’s class. It is extremely helpful if you let us know when an absence is asthma related as well. APS is in partnership with the CDC to improve the knowledge of our students with asthma.

Health and Medical Information

Work, home and cell phone numbers MUST be current so contact can be made. This includes emergency contacts.

  1. If your child is too sick to go outside for recess, he/she is considered too sick to be in school.

  2. Parents/legal guardians, then emergency contacts, will be contacted immediately when a child needs to be sent home due to illness or injury.

  3. Students who are ill will not be permitted to walk home.

  4. If a student needs emergency care, and a parent or guardian cannot be reached, the child will be transported to UNM Medical Center Emergency Room for medical attention.

  5. Students must have a current immunization record on file.

  6. If your child has a skin irritation or rash, APS policy dictates that he/she needs a doctor’s written note that identifies the rash or irritation and assures that it is not contagious.

  7. Medications are to be given at school only when a medication authorization form is on file.  A doctor must submit in writing his/her exact medication recommendations. This must include: Name of Drug, dosage of drug, schedule of administration.

  8. All medication will be kept in a locked cabinet in the Nurse’s Office.

Marcella Andersen, Health Assistant

505-877-2920 ext.51642

Martha Ibarra-McFadden, Nurse

505-877-2920 ext 51626